Thursday, May 26, 2011

What my handbag says about me...

You are concerned with how you appear. Projecting your high status is important to you.

You tend to be relaxed throughout the day. You are naturally at peace.

You tend to be relaxed but alert. You keep your eye out for anything unusual.

You are a high maintenance person. You feel lost outside of your normal environment.

You are open and comfortable with who you are. You don't hide anything.

You are practical and down to earth. You tend to be a rather reserved and quiet person.

**Got these from a quiz  Hmmm.....betul ke?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Contemplating temptations...

Being a woman, one is naturally full of passion, desires and wants. And mannnn...have I been wanting to get my hands on too many things! Handbags, sunnies, bracelets, shoes, gadgets...endless!

Okay, I'm going to babble about bags. Just how many bags does a woman need? Everywhere I see (well, in the cyber world at least), people just keep on getting one after the other. It's good that they can afford the bags, I am not condemning them..not at all. It's more like I am trying to reflect on my needs & wants.

I have a few bags that I'd like to have, but really? Do I need them? I feel anxious just to know that I actually have too many bags lining up in my closet. Which is why I got rid of 7 of my Coach bags and left myself with 7. In addition to that, I've just procured myself another coach bag and probably 2 more  (stilll deciding on them). Why do I have to buy those bags when I already knew what I want (a LV trevi pm) and already set my mind that I need to save for it?...confused.... An idea! I think I will get my husband to get me that LV bag instead! hahah!

My brain hasn't gotten any rest thinking about all the bags that I'd like to have...Balenciaga, Chanel, Marc Jacobs....puhlease...give me a break!

And sunnies....I have easily 10 pairs of them already. And yet, I grabbed a Pucci & Kate spade just last weekend. Really! Is it that important to have all kinds of sunnies?

And then ipad!


Sheeshhh....when will I stop wanting anything!

**all pics goggled**

Monday, February 14, 2011

Maulidur rasul 12 Rabi al-Awwal 1432 Hijr

Kelebihan Nabi Muhammad.
Dari Jabir katanya : Berkata Rasulullah yang ertinya :
Aku telah diberikan 5 perkara yang tidak seorag pun daripada para nabi sebelum ku diberikan :
1. Aku ditolong dengan daya menakutkan musuh sejauh perjalanan sebulan.
2. Diuntukkan bagiku bumi ini ,dimana-mana sahaja boleh dijadikan tempat bersujud dan keadaannya suci .Maka sebarang umatku yang telah dating kepadanya waktu sembahyang,hendaklan tambpil sembahyang.
3. Dihalalkan harta rampasan perang bagikubdan tidak halal bagi seorang pun sebelum ku.
4. Aku diberi kuasa untuk beri syafaat.
5. Setiap nabi dibangkitkan untuk menyeru kaumnya sahaja,tapi aku dibangkitkan untuk menyeru seluruh manusia.

Lapisan 1 : Nabi Adam
Lapisan 2 : Nabi isa dan Yahya
Lapisan 3 : Nabi Yusuf
Lapisan 4 : Nabi Idris
Lapisan 5 : Nabi Harun
Lapisan 6 : Nabi Musa
Lapisan 7 : Nabi Ibrahim.

Wahai Ali, bagi orang MUKMIN ada 3 tanda-tandanya:
1) Tidak terpaut hatinya pada harta benda dunia.
2) Tidak terpesona dengan pujuk rayu.
3) Benci terhadap perbualan dan perkataan sia-sia..

Wahai Ali, bagi orang 'ALIM itu ada 3 tanda2nya:
1) Jujur dalam berkata-kata.
2) Menjauhi segala yg haram.
3) Merendahkan diri.

Wahai Ali, bagi orang yg JUJUR itu ada 3 tanda2nya:
1) Merahasiakan ibadahnya.
2) Merahasiakan sedekahnya.
3) Merahasiakan ujian yg menimpanya.

Wahai Ali, bagi org yg TAKWA itu ada 3 tanda2nya:
1) Takut berlaku dusta dan keji.
2) Menjauhi kejahatan.
3) Memohon yang halal kerana takut jatuh dalam keharaman.

Wahai Ali, bagi itu ada 3 tanda2 AHLI IBADAH itu ada 3 tandanya:
1) Mengawasi dirinya.
2) Menghisab dirinya.
3) Memperbanyakkan ibadah kepada Allah s.w.t.


"Sesungguhnya orang yang paling dekat denganKu pada hari kiamat
adalah orang yang paling banyak berselawat kepadaKu."

-Al Nasai & Ibnu Hibban

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chocolate anyone?

I think I'm possessed by chocolate. I've been buying and eating all sorts of chocolates lately. Well, not really, certain kinds only.

In the last 6 years of my life spent in the US, never was I bothered to step into a 'Godiva' shop until lately. I stepped out of the shop with a paper bag full of chocolates. Planned on taking a bite (only), but I ended up finishing the whole pack. How???!!!

Anyhooo...let's talk about chocolate. What's you're favourite?

When it comes to well commercialized chocolate, I prefer these two;

The best chocolate that I have ever had in the US would be the ones from 'Godiva', like these;

When it comes to European chocolates (the less sought/commercialized ones), it would be these;

I made sure that I got enough supply of these every time I stopped by Germany.. nyummmmmmm!!!