I think I'm possessed by chocolate. I've been buying and eating all sorts of chocolates lately. Well, not really, certain kinds only.
In the last 6 years of my life spent in the US, never was I bothered to step into a 'Godiva' shop until lately. I stepped out of the shop with a paper bag full of chocolates. Planned on taking a bite (only), but I ended up finishing the whole pack. How???!!!
Anyhooo...let's talk about chocolate. What's you're favourite?
When it comes to well commercialized chocolate, I prefer these two;
The best chocolate that I have ever had in the US would be the ones from 'Godiva', like these;
When it comes to European chocolates (the less sought/commercialized ones), it would be these;
I made sure that I got enough supply of these every time I stopped by Germany.. nyummmmmmm!!!